1) Be kind-- it is the simplest gift you can give, both to yourself and to others.
2) Be thankful for what you have-- no matter how bad things seem, it could always be much, much worse.
3) Music is good for the soul. It elates you when you're already happy, it's cathartic when you need a good cry, and playing music/singing makes me more overjoyed than I could explain.
4) This world is a beautiful place-- take care of it. It's really not hard to throw away trash or make an effort to conserve a little bit.
5) Reading is the window to the world. You may not be able to afford to travel, but by opening a book and immersing yourself in its pages, you'll still see the world.
6) Sarcasm is a way of life.
7) I still hate coffee...and mashed potatoes.
8) I haven't found a better substitute for deep thinking than a long run outdoors.
9) Not everyone is going to like you, and that's okay. The people who do are the ones who matter.
10) I used to think changing the world had to be BIG and all at once. Now I see that we can all change our small corner of the world, a bit at a time, and if we try, it can make a difference.
11) Writing is my favorite form of self-expression, followed closely by art and music.
12) You're never as broken as you seem, and the people who matter are the ones who carry you through murky waters.
13) Taking time for yourself is so important, even if it's only a few moments a day, or if you're rocking out to music while you're drying your hair and singing into your hairbrush.
14) No one is ever that busy-- take some time to put down your phone, unplug, and just be.
15) My sister gets me in a way no one else ever has-- having a solid relationship with someone who has known you your entire life is so, so important.
16) My mum is everything I want to be.
17) Take good care of yourself-- wash your face, wear sunscreen, floss... you only get one body.
18) Drink water, all day, every day.
19) God is so incredibly good-- take time to appreciate all He has given you.
20) Teaching is an important profession-- it's not just English or math or social studies. You have access to the secret lives of 130 kids at a time, and in addition to imparting knowledge on them in a basic sense, you also get to help mold them into decent human beings with a respect for one another and the world around them. It's pretty cool.
21) True, unconditional, soulmates-level love is real. I've witnessed it, and I've experienced it.
22) Compromise is essential in any type of relationship-- it's essential to listen to one another.
23) If I didn't have Shelley/my mum over the course of my life to provide cooked meals, I would just eat cereal/salads forever. I despise cooking.
24) You control who is and who isn't a part of your life. Eliminate negativity. It doesn't matter if someone has been in your life for 10 years or is related to you or anything else-- if you are unhappy, you can change that. Furthermore, there are friends and family members worth holding on to. Appreciate them and make sure they know.
25) I spent nearly 12 years working in the service industry, and 7 of those years were at the same place. When you go out to eat, just sit in the booth you're given-- you aren't moving in, it's an hour meal. Be considerate-- you are going out to be served food, not to treat people like they are your servants. And if you are going out, tip. Oh, and no speakerphone in public-- no one wants to hear your conversations. If you don't know how to be respectful and kind, just stay home, please.
27) I've always marched to the beat of my own drum, but when I was younger I had moments when I wished I wasn't QUITE so original. Being unique is awesome-- don't ever change or compromise who you are to fit a societal mold. You are wonderfully, fearfully made. BE YOURSELF.
28) Life is beautiful, but it is also brief. Being in shape or on time or the most popular person on social media is not as important as being happy and enjoying the ride. Cake is good. Buy the book or the shirt. Go on the trip. Cliche or not, you'll always regret not experiencing something wonderful over skipping out so you could work out or play around on Snapchat.
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