Sunday, November 17, 2019

Five Fall Favorites

Hi everyone! Today's post is all about the wonderful alliteration of five fall favorites. This is, in my opinion, the best time of the year, so it was hard to just pick five things, but I did it.  I am all about the cozy vibes and dainty details.

My first favorite are these Backcountry leggings. I got them a little while ago, so my exact pair isn't on the site anymore, but these ones are pretty similar (albeit much more expensive, but they always have sales and codes). They are thin but the fleece lining gives an extra layer of protection against the cold. They're water-resistant, which is huge in snow/rain, and they have pockets-- actual good pockets that I can stick my whole phone in and not just a chapstick. If you plan to do any sort of hiking this fall/winter or are just looking for a cozy base layer, these are your pants. I wore these all through our Sleepy Hollow trip, including on the rainy cemetery tour (you can check them out here).

In the same realm of cozy goodness, I'm also very into beanies, and the COAL beanies are some of the better ones I have had. They come in a wide array of colors, and they are so warm. I'm very particular about anything being too tight on my head or too itchy, and these beanies are neither of those, plus they look cute with everything and add the perfect amount of grunge. I also got a pretty mauve pom-pom beanie from ASOS recently for around $7. I don't wash my hair every day, so for second- or third- day hair, it's nice to pop on a beanie over curls on their last leg or a braid.

This third one is neither cozy nor dainty, but an essential. Over the summer, Shelley and I began trying to veer away from deodorants that use aluminum and other harmful components, but I absolutely need something with an anti-perspirant in it. I've tried a couple so far that have not worked for me even a little bit, and clinical strength whatever-brand is usually my go-to. Shelley uses the Tom's, so I gave it a try and can report it is effective, even under layers of sweaters and jackets. If you've been on the fence because you aren't sure where to start, this is my recommendation!

On to the dainty details. One of my favorite parts about cooler weather is how you can put forth pretty much zero effort and still look cute and put together: sweater, jeans, boots, done. It's basically the dressed up version of sweats. Sometimes, though, the sweaters' necklines make me feel like there's something missing that could add that final pizazz, so I have been cycling through a couple different necklaces: the Tiffany heart necklace Shelley got me a few years ago for our anniversary, a little gold necklace with stars and moons on it, and the Giving Keys necklace my mum got me for my birthday this past year. Each of them have a delicate chain and a sweet charm, which adds a little bit of sparkle to the more grey aspects of this season, and the company provides jobs to people transitioning out of homelessness.

Shelley and I have been long-time lovers of Sara Bareilles, and when we saw she was touring for her new album, Amidst the Chaos, we bought tickets the day they went on sale. We waited months for the show, and this past weekend we finally got to go. I love the fact that she writes her own music, that she plays piano, and that her voice is clear, authentic, and ethereal. She doesn't need choreographed dance moves, contoured features, or auto-tuned vocals to sound good-- she just is who she is, unapologetically. Seeing her in concert made us love her more, which is why she made this list instead of the pair of boots I was initially going to share on here. Not only is she insanely talented, but she is also witty, gorgeous, and swears like a sailor, which makes her much more relatable. Somehow, she sounds better live, with added runs and riffs, changed notes that cover the whole damn scale, and a power and clarity that only come from sheer raw talent. If you haven't listened to her album, or anything by her, I highly recommend searching the Amidst the Chaos tour on YouTube so you can hear for yourself. I've been listening on repeat.

What are you loving this fall? Let me know in the comments or send me an email!

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