Saturday, March 21, 2020

Love in a Time of Quarantine

Hi friends! I am sure that, like me, you are also going a little stir-crazy with the idea of being cooped up. I am blessed to already work from home, but I am used to going out in the evenings and spending time with family and friends.

I haven't left the house in seven days. SEVEN DAYS!

I am going to share some fun things here over the next week or so, because we could all use a bright side in a time like this.

In case you didn't catch the pun in my post title, this is going to be about books. One thing about having a suddenly clear social calendar is a lot of time to read the TBR pile that has been judging me as it grows. I figured I could share some of the ones at the top of the list, and if you'd like to read along with me, we could have a social distance book club. Maybe I'll do a live and we can chat about them, if anyone wants to.

Books on my list:
1) Naturally Tan by Tan France: I am currently reading this. If you've seen Queer Eye, you understand. Bonus points if, like me, you hear his fantastic voice reading it in your head.

2) The Truth About Magic by Atticus: If you don't follow him on Instagram already, do yourself a favor. If you don't have an Instagram, make one just so you can follow his page. He makes poetry cool again.

3) This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen: Sometimes I just want a good YA love story. This has long been one of my favorites, and I am going to re-read it because I want something light and fun. (Recently read Starry Eyes and that is a solid choice too.)

4) Silence: in the Age of Noise by Erling Kagge: This one is a reminder to slow down, practice gratitude, create, and allow ourselves to just be. Self-explanatory.

5) Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman: This was recommended to me by several friends over the years, and has been patiently sitting on my Kindle waiting.

6) Essentials: Essays by The Minimalists: The Minimalists have a pretty inspirational podcast/email they share about ensuring any "stuff" you have only adds value to your life. I got this book excited to begin a great purge but haven't read it yet. I have considerably more time to declutter now, so this makes the list.

If you'd like to follow along, all of the books are linked. I'm going to start with these, but if you have any suggestions, leave a comment-- I could always add more!

Stay calm and happy reading!


  1. That book from Serendipity has been running they my brain since this social distancing began...I too have bet reading in all my spare time. Probably should take time to do this chores I keep putting off.

    1. There will be time for that! For now, there is nothing wrong with relaxing and calming yourself!

  2. Can I say my smart phone isn't smart if it keeps changing my words lol


Heads Carolina, Tails California

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