Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Creating a Cozy Home Office Space

I've been lucky enough to work from home for a little over a year now. It has taken me nearly that long to get my space into somewhere that is clear and cozy, and while it's still not perfect, it is-- like everything-- a work in progress.

Plants, candles, and tiny treasures 
My "office" is also my "studio" which houses my guitars and my bass, my canvases and paints, my books, my yoga mat, my cameras, and my elliptical. It's a bit of a hodge podge in there, but everything has its own place, and when working with only so much room, it is what it is.

I figured that not everyone has the luxury of a "studio" space and even though that is true and you may be working from the breakfast nook or you have a chair pulled up to your ironing board, you can still make your space somewhere zen and give yourself coziness and a moment of reprieve between calls or classes or crunching numbers.

Salt lamps & crystals
One of the biggest things for me is lighting. I do NOT remotely miss the glaring, headache-inducing fluorescent lights of office space. I have an IKEA lamp Shelley bought me when I first decided to work from home, a salt lamp (which apparently has many benefits), and I strung up fairy lights to give it a nice glow. Every once in a while I'll light a candle, which adds to the ambiance and also obviously smells good (I burn candles all the time because it relaxes me).

During my free periods, I like to listen to music in the background because I feel like it makes me more efficient. I added a few photos, a crystal hanging, and some quotes on post-its as well.

I'm a recent convert to plants and all the mood-boosting benefits that come along with those, so I usually have one sitting on my desk during my shift and then I'll move it downstairs to water it later.

I wanted a little rug to put out under my desk to sort of designate that space from the rest of what's happening in there, so I found one here that arrived quickly and was even prettier in person. It's a nice pop of color (even though I put it over an existing carpet...alas). 

Create Your Own Standing Desk! :D
One other thing that I recommend is a standing option of some sort. I have created something that isn't exactly aesthetically pleasing compared to the rest of my setup, but it works (and it was free). Obviously you could buy a standing desk, but I stacked some boxes and have the option of standing while I work or sitting if I just arrange some things. I have been doing this since I got home, so I can say it is effective (albeit unsightly).

I know some of you are working with what you have. You're sharing a space with kids, you have pets to deal with, your spouse is home, you live alone and haven't left the house in 30 days... A lot of the ideas I shared here can either be ordered online or could be something you already have lying around. You'd be surprised what a difference a candle and a string of twinkle lights can have on your mood and productivity.

If you try any of these ideas (including my high class standing desk) let me know if they help, or feel free to leave me a suggestion in the comments!


  1. The ironing board desk really works!! It gives that standing option you sometimes need. Most of all it's FREE because most people have one!!

    1. Whatever works, right? Standing desk AND free :D


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